Earthquake in Bangalore ??
Time 2.47PM. Friday, November 28, 2008.
But no, it was the entire building..
The tremor was mild, but notice-able.
And it went on for close to 10seconds.
I turned back to find my cube-mate too frantic and feeling the vibrations..
If it was me alone, then I could be assured its my mind gone dancing.
But nope !
Probably, the phenomenon existed in Koramangala alone.. Hope so !
Everything stable now !
(Me included)
Over and out
Labels: news
shari thannede? news-il onnum kandilla?
Isnt this an old post ? Well, yes, the chair did shake, and so did the building. And this was observed by multiple individuals (this proves I was in my senses). But then, no news anywhere on this...
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