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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Gathering courage from ...

Gathering courage from the inner self, I approached
the dungeon. Vocal has a beauty of its own, when not
accompanied by music. The landlord scolded the maid
for not switching off the motor, leading to a water
overflow. "Is this the right time to ask the question to
her", Raj wondered. The revolutionary movement in the
suburbs of the northern province helped eliminate the
communal disintegration to a great extent. But then, looks
are often deceptive. The Tom cat sat legs stretched out
wanting to get the sleep it lost the other day, being chased
by stray dogs. The soaring temperature had no effect on
the plate tectonic motion in the Atlantic. A better place
for the power button would be in the posterior side of
the deck. Not long did the car go, before the engine
turned sideways and got clamped to a jaywalker's helmet.
Einstein once said that the most powerful power in nature
is "the power of compounding". Signal boosting ratio is
always proportionate to the average discontinuity of the
forward moving camel. They disappeared into the horizon
with hands wrapped around each other's shoulders.


Blogger Geo said...

Magnificent piece of writing...

A perfect blend of superficial and symbolic metaphors...

Tue Mar 28, 01:01:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger clash said...


Tue Mar 28, 02:40:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rat said...

@Geo : Thanks, literature has evolved a lot since the diaphorical conglomeration of medieval stagnation
@clash : Sir who ? :-S

Tue Mar 28, 03:16:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rat said...

@dipu - This post has got nothing to do with any mail fwd. This is solely my own creation. As they say, its "Creativity at its best" ;-)

Fri Apr 14, 03:39:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rat said...

Hahaa.. Dipu, Cool down..
NOthing like 'at..
Just wanted to write a screenfull of totally contradicting statements. Thats all..

Mon Apr 17, 08:39:00 AM GMT+5:30  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

will it allow html tags?
Sorry not allowing

Sat Apr 29, 12:50:00 PM GMT+5:30  

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