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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Hostel Days - Rat

First Day

Serious face.
No Smile.
No jokes.
Studious Best.
Book Worm.
Minimal Talk.
Talks are always formal.
Dipu*, in our third year commented,
"What a thing were you?! Speaks nothing. Communciation
is restricted to a Yes/No or a nod of the head."

All the above lines describe Rat in year 1999.
But nobody objected my being what I was..
I troubled nobody, nobody troubled me..

I'm always like that. I can sit as pillion rider on a bike
for two years, and yet at the end of year2, put up a blank
face when somebody asks the rider's name.
I believe a lot in the power of silence.
(Thats more of a spiritual trait.. do i belong to the class of Yogis?)

Thats one part of the story..
But the same Rat has more friends than many others around me.
And for me, once a friend, always a friend.
(Thats one saying which I use leisurely)

The positive part of this I-wont-talk-first trait is that,
I get friends who are more of my type.
My type - less talk, no jokes, no smile, boring, irritating ?

Surprising, isnt it ?
But not for my age-old friends.
They have seen me thru ages, and have almost forgotten
completely the initial glitchful days.
Very recently, Dipu commented (on my past n present)
"Looks - no change
Behaviour - diff between dawn and dusk
Attitude, personality - ithenkurichonnum parayan njan alalla...


1. Typical padipist, very less talk
2. The best guy around, becoming better as time passes. "

I had always wanted to be proactive.
The head-first kinda guy.
The Mr Smart
Mr Cool
But thats not me..
I prefer to be me, myself.
I'm happy and confined with what I am!
And so are my buddies... (I hope)

More buddies in the next part...

*This is 2nd character, after Robin. My class-mate for 4 yrs
of Engg, my room-mate for 2 long (funny) years.

1. padipist - book worm (studious)
2. ithenkurichonnum parayan njan alalla - I'm noone to comment on this


Blogger sandeep said...

yentha uddesham?
(what the hell r u trying to say?)

Thu Apr 27, 03:00:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rat said...

read on sandy.. read on..
hav doctors..

Thu Apr 27, 03:42:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Geo said...

great going Rat...

Fri Apr 28, 06:44:00 AM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rat said...

Even if you are fit, you never lose your senses.. Rather, your IQ shoots up when a bottle of beer gets in. isnt that true, Dipu ;-)

Fri Apr 28, 10:30:00 AM GMT+5:30  

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