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Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Happening Day

Today was as if longer by an extra 24 hours.. Did many things (or did things, which i usually dont do).
> Cooked breakfast
> Went to bank on behalf of my bro
> did laundry
> cooked lunch
> picked up S from office for lunch
> Went for a looooong walk with Den, Gas, Sand, Soo, Bin (walked for a kool 1 hour)
> Went for a circus show (dint manage to get in , though :-s )
(is that all? i thot the list is gonna fill up the screen!)
Anyways, the long walk has done its part to lead me to the nearest 'horizontal-to-ground-rest-area' aka bed. So, good night and keep sleeping.

1. A good signature i saw "Sleep 8 hours ... Work 8 hours ... and make sure, these are not the same 8 hours"
2. This is a goal. I'd been getting mis calls from a number. Got it again when we were all seated around a table for dinner.
I said 'who is this miserable fella..'
Soo replied 'y dont you call back?'
I said 'My dog will call back'
Soo 'Gimme the number'
It was so spontaneous that she took another good 3 seconds to put it all together, and to burst out laughing :-P
3. Dennis, while resting at home, post lunch... plugged the mobile to the power supply to fill up some energy. Was heard murmuring "Phone is not getting charged. Ivide reliance inu range ille?" :-SS


Blogger Soorya said...

I knew this was coming! These days ,looks like I am the official weekend goal sponsor!! :-(

Mon Oct 16, 09:19:00 AM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rat said...

Yeah! Its fun to be laughed at, dont you think so ?
This great saying goes like this, "if you cant laugh at yourself, leave it to others"

Mon Oct 16, 12:22:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rat said...

kurumolaku kilo 118 roopa!

Tue Oct 24, 12:40:00 PM GMT+5:30  

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