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Thursday, July 09, 2009

ITR Time Again : How To File IT Returns AY 2009-2010

This is the assessment year 2009-2010.
And the assessment is done for the Financial year 2008-2009.
Confused, right ? The confusion ends here.

Keep this aside, and the IT Returns filing for this year is simple and very much (well, almost) similar to last year.

This is how we filed returns last year.

Here is a copy paste from the above link:
Steps in Summary:
1. Go to IT site and register yourself using your PAN number
2. Fill up the excel utility (use form16 for reference) and generate the xml file
3. Upload the xml file to the IT site, in your login.
4. Get the ITR-V, download it, print it, sign on it.
5. Go with it to the IT office and get it stamped.
(The printed ITR-V should be stamped at the IT office within 15 days)

The step 5 is now changed. You need to complete the first 4 steps and then send the signed ITRV to the following postal address:
Income Tax Department , CPC, Post Bag No - 1, Electronic City Post Office, Bangalore - 560100, Karnataka,

This has to be sent BY ORDINARY POST within 30 days of submitting the data online.

Some useful points:
1. You need to fill the "assessing officer details". Find it here:
2. The excel utility that is needed at step2 is here:
3. Some instructions to help filling it up is at the bottom of above link.
4. For filling up the excel sheet, you need to enable macro..
You would be prompted to do so when you open the excel sheet.
5. I happened to read somewhere that you should not fold the ITRV form while posting it. But nowhere in the Income Tax Site, it is mentioned so. But be cautious and dont tamper the BAR Code at the bottom right of the ITRV form.

NOTE: The details above are for IT filing in Bangalore. For other locations, steps 1 to 4 still remain the same. But you need to find the correct assessing officer detail and send it to the ITRV collection point in that location.

Happy Filing !



Blogger Soorya said...

Thanks to annual filing of IT returns, daily jot sees one post a year :-p

Thu Jul 09, 02:23:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger VG said...

Here is a note on It says send it to bangalore address ONLY.

Please furnish the Form ITR-V to the Income Tax Department , CPC, Post Bag No - 1, Electronic City Post Office, Bangalore - 560100, Karnataka BY ORDINARY POST ONLY within thirty days after the date of transmitting the data electronically .

ITR-V sent by Speedpost, Registered Post or Courier will not be accepted. No Form ITR-V shall be received in any other office of the Income-tax Department or in any other manner.

Wed Jul 15, 09:32:00 PM GMT+5:30  
Blogger Rat said...

@Soo: U know the flood of events @my side. Will bang back soon (how soon is soon? :-S)
@VG: Thanks for noting that, VG. You are right. I have been told the ITR this time is handled by Infy BPO this time around. Its kool.. And wonderful plan. India Post is making money too ;-)

Mon Jul 20, 09:39:00 PM GMT+5:30  

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